April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

During the month of April, Peace House and other’s around the globe are raising awareness about sexual assault. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), between 40% and 45% of women in an abusive relationship will also be sexually assaulted. The intersection between domestic violence and sexual assault is quite large. In fact, between 14% and 25% of women are sexually assaulted by an intimate partner in the course of their relationship. Sexual assault can happen to any individual but it disproportionately effects LGBTQ+ youth, people of color, and females. While these groups are more likely to experience sexual violence, according to RAINN one out of every 10 rape victims are male.
In the United States, every 73 seconds, an individual is sexually assaulted. These events can have lasting effects on survivors and put them at a higher risk for depression, anxiety, suicide, and drug use. The theme of Sexual Assault Awareness Month this year is “I Ask.”
By talking about consent, we can spread education about what healthy relationships look like. There are many ways to give consent, it doesn’t have to be verbal. However, verbal consent can help set clear boundaries. Know that consent can change at any time and should be asked with each new activity. This month try talking to those around you about what consent means to them. Some great resources for learning about consent include: Rainn.org, loveisrespect.org, NSVRC.org, and plannedparenthood.org or share this video: Watch Video