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UDVC Core Advocacy Training Park City

October 31, 2018

Event Details

Join us for Utah Domestic Violence Coaltion’s Core Advocacy training at the Blair Education Center at Park City Hospital on Oct 31-Nov 2 and Nov 8 and 9, 9-5.

Core Advocacy Training (CAT) is a 40-hour training that details the skills and knowledge necessary to support and empower survivors of domestic and sexual abuse, stalking, and human trafficking.

This training will be split up into 10, 3-4hr modules covering a wide range of topics specific to intimate partner violence and sexual assault for a total of 40 credit hours recognized and approved by the Utah Chapter, National Association of Social Workers.
The cost is free however it does require registration and is recommended for advocates in need of basic domestic/intimate partner violence training and professionals whose work involves supporting survivors.

Register for UDVC Advocay Core Training Park City

See Agenda

Contact Jill Smith for additional information Jill@peacehouse.org

Date: October 31, 2018
Time: 12:00 am - 11:59 pm