We Believe You.
Peace House offers supportive services to those who have been victimized by domestic violence or sexual assault, and educational programs in the community for citizens of all ages in order to end and prevent the cycle of abuse and violence.
We Hear You.
We Believe You.
We want to help.
Peace House Services

24/7 Helpline
If you are experiencing domestic violence and/or have been recently sexually assaulted, please call our 24/7 Help Line (800)-647-9161 for immediate help.

From community outreach and presentations to group counseling to bilingual support, we are here to provide compassionate service to our community at large.

Emergency Housing
Sometimes, leaving a dangerous situation is the only option. Contact us today to find shelter and support to begin the healing process.

Victim Advocacy
Our victim advocates are here to assist you in any way possible—from simply listening to guiding you to appropriate resources to getting you shelter.

Clinical and Case Management Services
If you need emotional support or assistance finding resources, we are here to help. Prevention begins with seeking help.

Prevention Education
The most effective way to end domestic violence and abuse is prevention. Join our prevention and awareness programs and stop the cycle.

Sexual Assault Services
The Utah Department of Health states that one in six women and one in 25 men experiencing rape or attempted rape in their lifetime and nearly 1 in 3 women will experience some form of sexual violence during their lives. Sexual assault survivors who seek support at Peace House or at the Park City Hospital are met by a community-based advocate who offers crisis intervention and support while interacting with law enforcement and a sexual assault nurse examiner. Sexual assault survivors may be youth or adults, both male and female, and of varying backgrounds.