Prevention & Awareness
Prevention Education Programs
The Schools Program delivers age-appropriate interpersonal violence education and prevention programs and trainings to local schools and grades K-12. We educate children about: Child Abuse Prevention, Internet Safety, Healthy Relationships, Bystander Intervention, and Dating Violence Prevention. Curricula includes “Safer, Smarter Kids”.
For more information on Teen Dating Violence please visit Love is Respect. To take an online course about preventing child abuse, please visit Prevent Child Abuse Utah. To schedule a presentation for your school or organization in Summit or Wasatch County please reach out to
Community Awareness
Community awareness programs are used to familiarize our local community to Peace House’s programs and services, as well as our “3 R’s Model” to recognize, respond, and refer domestic and sexual violence victims to Peace House for help.
Domestic and sexual violence are public health issues that affect the community as a whole. We need your help in spotting this violence and assisting each member of our society including educating them that they each have the right to live a life free from violence. We work with these organizations to partner with community members and bring awareness to domestic and sexual violence prevention.
Peace House is currently involved with the following coalitions, committees and subcommittees:
- Caring Communities Coalition Wasatch County
- Communities that Care Coalition Summit County
- The Wasatch Latino Coalition- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Subcommittee
- Wasatch Latino Coalition
- Latin Mental Health Committee Meeting
- Latin Mental Health Sub-Committee Meeting Podcast Recordings in collaboration with Summit Department of Health
- Wasatch County Wellness Committee
- PC Unidos
- Park City Leadership Class 30
- Police Complaint Review Committee
Please visit the below links for more information and statistics on domestic and sexual violence.
If you would like to have Peace House table at one of your events, please contact Emma Zevallos,
Training Programs
Peace House provides training programs covering Child Sexual Abuse Prevention for school personnel and parents, the Cut It Out Program for salon professionals, a Safety Training for bars, and Trauma-Informed Care for healthcare providers.
Additional programs include:
- Sexual Harassment
- QPR Training
- Human Trafficking
- Helping Classmates, Safe Bystander Behavior
- Positive Relationships Norms
- Safe Dating
- Promoting Healthy Sexuality
- Mandatory Reporting
- Cyber Safety
- The Power of One Trusted Adult
- Gender Roles: Their Contribution to Sexual Violence
- Bystander Intervention
- Trauma Informed Care
Please see the links below for more information on LAP and the CUT IT OUT program.
Park City High School’s Teen Talk Club
Social Justice Club sponsored by Peace House and Park City High School. Dedicated to ending violence, to educate and empower the Park City High School students. To create awareness, getting teens engaged in preventing violence is key to preventing domestic violence in adulthood.
- Accept, Adapt, Advocate
- We contribute to a safe environment at PCHS for all students.
- We educate ourselves and our peers about the importance of choice and acting honorably.
- We are supportive and respectful.
- We act and live ethically.
- We respect all people.

Peace House PSA recording at KCPW with Park City High School’s End Violence Now Club
- February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Each year, we host an event at Park City High School to create awareness about Teen Dating Violence and encourage teens to practice qualities of a healthy relationship in their daily lives.
- April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. In partnership with our Sexual Assault Team and various community partners, we (describe event plans).
- April is Child Abuse Awareness Month, also known as Family Strengthening Month.
- October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Each year, we host our “Be the Light” March to show support for survivors of domestic violence.
- If you are interested in being a committee member or volunteer for any of these events, please reach out to Emma Zevallos,