Anita Lewis
Anita began her term on the Peace House Board of Directors in 2019. She currently is a member of the Development and Fundraising Committee and helped with the Bling Fling event. She worked for 30 years with Summit County, where her first position was in the Planning and Building Department, and retired in 2019. She advanced to the Administrative Department, where she worked closely with the County Commission, and after the change of government, the County Manger and County Council. During those years, Anita’s involvement included assisting with the 2002 Winter Olympics, working in facilities planning, promoting senior citizens’ initiatives, applying for and administrating grants, coordinating the change in form of government, participating in the Utah statehood centennial and sesquicentennial celebrations, and overseeing the History Department. She served in an ex-officio capacity with the Summit Land Conservancy and the Park City Summit County Arts Council.
Working with people in Park City, she began to understand the importance of community service and the significant role that nonprofit organizations play in introducing and accomplishing programs that enrich lives. This realization prompted her to work in local government and give back to the community in which she was born and raised.
Anita graduated with a degree in Business Administration from Snow College. She married her high school sweetheart of 38 years. She enjoys traveling, reading, being outdoors, and spending time on the family ranch.