Karen Marriott
Karen chaired the Peace House Thrive Campaign from 2017 to 2019, raising funds for the Peace House community campus, which opened in 2019. She has served on the Peace House Board of Directors since 2018 and in 2021 chaired the Peace House 25th Anniversary Committee, which included researching and writing the history of Peace House.
Karen also served on the board of Park City Community Foundation from 2016 to 2021 and has been a champion for the Community Foundation’s Mental Wellness Alliance. The Alliance brings together nonprofit organizations and entities that support mental health education, awareness, and services within Summit County to help support each other and increase Summit County residents’ access to mental health resources.
Having raised three children in Park City, Karen has served on school boards, held various leadership positions within her church, served on a variety of fundraising committees, and created a nonprofit organization in Park City that served teens in Summit County. Being actively engaged in her community has allowed Karen to better understand the needs that surround her, which she supports through her family foundation, Marriott Daughters Foundation.
Karen was raised in the Washington, DC, area and has called the mountains of Park City her home for the past 24 years. When not serving, she can be found traveling abroad or at home on the ski hill, mountain bike trail, or golf course.