August Newsletter
We have some exciting news and numbers to share. Read on for our Annual Update featuring survivor comments, program stats, and information about our newest team member!
The Summit County Fair is taking place the first full week of August! "It's a traditional small town county fair with cowboys and bucking broncos, a carnival midway, beauty queens, home canned goods, flowers, vegetables, and more. Events are held throughout Summit County and home base is quiet, scenic Coalville, Utah." Find Emma Zevallos hosting a table on August 13, and be sure to say "hi!"
Peace House will be on KPCW Thursday, August 25! Each year, KPCW holds two Pledge Drives asking our listeners to support local, nonprofit, public radio and to support our mission to serve Summit and Wasatch Counties with local news, information, entertainment and emergency alerts through our broadcast signal and digital media platforms as well as to help other nonprofit organizations succeed in our community. To express our gratitude, KPCW offers certificates and other promotional items as gifts for listener donations. We reach out to our local business community for these certificates and we sincerely value the support we receive.
Click the link below for our most recent Annual Update!

Join our team!
Open Staff Positions:
Database and Development Assistant