Homeless Point in Time Count
Each year the federal office of Housing and Urban Development assesses the homeless population across the United States for sheltered and unsheltered individuals, on a single night in January. This is know as the Homeless PIT, and it is used to help measure increases or decreases in homelessness from year to year, and also helps HUD make funding decision that directly support the homeless in our community. The count this year will occur on January 23rd.
In Utah, the Department of Work Force Services helps coordinate this count with local communities, and this year Peace House, People's Health Clinic, Mountainlands Community Housing Trust, and Christian Center of Park City will be providing support for Summit County. If you are interested in last years count, or would like to know more about homelessness in Utah, please visit https://jobs.utah.gov/
If you are aware of anyone who is living on the street, in their car, or staying in a place that is not meant for human habitation, please feel free to refer them to the community agencies listed above. Each of these agencies offers important services to homeless individuals and would gratefully meet with any referrals. Although the PIT count will occur on the 23rd, you may continue to provide referrals through the 26th of January, to help improve the accuracy of the count.
For more information please contact Tim Savage, Director of Program Operations for Peace House, 801-499-5871 tim@peacehouse.org