Peace House Community Campus Update

Construction of the new facility continues to move along nicely despite weather changes. Interior doors and drywall are being installed in our emergency shelter and interior painting should begin soon.  Meanwhile, the exterior siding and stucco is being added as well as the infrastructure for our IT and security systems.  This is what will help keep our clients safe as they “come out of the shadows and into the light”.

Dennis Johns checking on wiring

As our new public and secure facility is taking shape, the Peace House team is strengthening the programs that will make this campus a peaceful and healing place for those seeking services.   

In the past fiscal year (July 2017 – June 2018), our Prevention Education team presented to nearly 10,000 students, parents and faculty members. Our team also organized or participated in 561 Community Awareness/Education Presentations. These are all opportunities to empower our community members to identify abusive, unhealthy and risky behaviors, and ask for help. 

We have also seen a dramatic increases in crisis calls to our 24-hour Helpline.  In fiscal year 2017 we had 469 calls to the helpine and in  fiscal year 2018, we received 739 crisis calls to our helpline. While it is heartbreaking that our community is experiencing domestic abuse at a level that necessitates this many crisis calls, we know that most domestic abuse still goes unreported. We are encouraged by this growing trend as it signals that our community is increasingly aware of our work and how to connect with our services when they need help. We anticipate continued growth among all of our programs and services over the next few years as more and more community members know where to turn if their relationships become unhealthy. Thank you for your support in making this important shift possible.