End Violence Now 2018/2019

End Violence Now gathered for the last time this year in Mrs. Lanoue’s room at Park City High School.   Over Fuego’s DV pizza which feature’s heart of artichoke, pesto, mozzarella, and kalamata olives, and rootbeer, we talked about the years activities, from making Peace House Perry to showing Roll Red Roll in Heber.

Many club member are graduating in a couple of weeks.  So I asked them the miracle question.

“What would your perfect life look like as you leave high school and enter the next phase?”  These were some of their answers:

Have friends.

Diversity in the House and Senate.

Enter time portal to 2013 and see One Direction.
Listen to One Direction's "You are Beautful"  

Travel to Africa Dublin Greece Spain Tahiti, Uzbekistan.

Get fit.

All college campuses are safe.
The Hunting Ground

Care for the Queen of England’s Corgis.
Queen's corgis

Write for SNL (Saturday Night Live) and make it funny again.

Be an answer to a Jeopardy Question.
Dreaming to be the answer to a Jeopardy Question

Have enough money to eat sushi.

Ice skate on a frozen lake by a castle.

Study in London.

Be in or make a Sundance movie.
On Her Shoulders

Not gain the freshman 15.

AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would become president.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

For me it would be to discover all of these things had come to pass. That EVN 2019 seniors had weathered hard times and triumphed and that I am right here with the next generation of EVN change makers.

Signing off until fall 2019